About us

World Ego-Free Ambassadors (WEFA) is an Ego-Free global network created by CasaDoze on April 30th, 2019 with the mission of creating a worldwide network of Ego-Free Organizations (EFOs), all linked and strongly connected to each other by the common goal of Humanity´s Spiritual Evolution.

By EFOs we mean Organizations and Movements who positively promote an Ego-Free consciousness in the World with the single purpose of being an active partner in the betterment of all Mankind, in its most pure and deep sense, i.e. at all levels of human experience on planet Earth (physical, emotional, intellectual, mental and spiritual); through a genuine, honest, positive, humble, balanced, generous, completely selfless, wise, profound, ethical and coherent set of values and working system.

The acronym WEFA also stands for “WE For All” and “Water Earth Fire Air”, highlighting the need to have a joint Cooperation and Harmony between all People, all Elements and conflicting or opposite Energies in life, for Mankind´s greater good.

We can contribute to an Ego-Free World by developing a worldwide network of positive influence made of Altruism, Harmony and Wisdom.

We are stronger together. If we combine our strengths and resources through genuine Cooperation, in a completely selfless state of mind, we will be able to build-up new roads for individual psychological growth and consciousness development, free from ego; and facilitate Human and Spiritual Evolution on Earth.

WEFA proposes a continued partnership in order to:

  • Share information;
  • Create a common forum of discussion and learning;
  • Promote each other´s Organizations and Movements (events, sites, publications, work…);
  • Co-organize Global Consciousness/ Awareness Events, and other activities;
  • Build an Ego-Free global network;
  • Cooperate in the development of visionary and humanitarian projects that benefits Mankind as a whole;
  • Create and foster the Ego-Free Ambassador worldwide status;
  • Consolidate the WEFA community in the World.

If you are a social, humanitarian and spiritual pioneer, if you have an Ego-Free Organization or Movement, and share our values, you are invited to join us in the World Ego-Free Ambassadors, and contribute to its development.

We can make a real difference in today and future generations, and also help our entire Planet in the process.

Many Thanks and All the Best.

|Pedro Pombal

